~The Kiss~
As I succumb to my lover's kiss,
the kiss so delicate, like a soft rose petal on my lips
i get lost in emotion
i feel warmth and love radiating through myself and my lover
it is all encompassing,
this feeling of complete joy
he brings to my soul, everytime he comes to me
and lightly he burns my lips ..we become one fire
burning into the night, to the early dawn
the sun itself..kisses the horizon as it climbs into the sky
the kiss can last a lifetime..and so it shall
I can't wait til my lover shows me again how to love
how to express my inner feelings with a kiss
a kiss so passionate, yet so fragile
a kiss like no other
the kiss can last a lifetime..and so it shall
~By Tallglass~
This famous oil painting called "the Kiss", was painted by the Austrian artist Gustav Klimt (1862-1918)
~Want to know more about kissing? Click on the lips to go to ~Virtual Kiss.com~, the online kissing resource. There's a e-kissing booth, kissing school, kissing games, and alot more! Have fun! *smooch*~
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